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Productivty Rubber |
Rubber farming productivity
Rubber plant is one plantation commodity positionsquite important as a source of non-oil foreign exchange for Indonesia, so it hasprospects are bright. Therefore, efforts to increase the productivity of rubber farmscontinue to be done especially in the areas of cultivation technology.
Rubber plants can grow well and produce high on the soil conditionsand climate as follows:- In the lowlands to a height of 200 m above sea level,optimal temperature of 280 c.- Types of volcanic soil from the young, elderly and alluvial to peatwith good drainage and aerase, not waterlogged. soil pHvaries from 3.0 to 8.0- Rainfall 2000 - 4000 mm / year with the number of rainy days 100 -150 days.Dikembangankan pretty good rubber in wet temperate areas of dry land. Rubber plant has several advantages compared with other commodities, that is: can grow in various conditions and types of land, and still able to harvest the results even though the soil is not fertile, able to form a forest ecology, which is generally found in wet temperate areas of dry land, so Rubber is good enough to overcome the critical area, to provide a daily income for farmers who cultivate, and has a pretty good price prospects, because the world needs rubber mounted after China opened up new markets for Indonesian rubber.
Rubber plant is one plantation commodity positionsquite important as a source of non-oil foreign exchange for Indonesia, so it hasprospects are bright. Therefore, efforts to increase the productivity of rubber farmscontinue to be done especially in the areas of cultivation technology.
Rubber plants can grow well and produce high on the soil conditionsand climate as follows:- In the lowlands to a height of 200 m above sea level,optimal temperature of 280 c.- Types of volcanic soil from the young, elderly and alluvial to peatwith good drainage and aerase, not waterlogged. soil pHvaries from 3.0 to 8.0- Rainfall 2000 - 4000 mm / year with the number of rainy days 100 -150 days.Dikembangankan pretty good rubber in wet temperate areas of dry land. Rubber plant has several advantages compared with other commodities, that is: can grow in various conditions and types of land, and still able to harvest the results even though the soil is not fertile, able to form a forest ecology, which is generally found in wet temperate areas of dry land, so Rubber is good enough to overcome the critical area, to provide a daily income for farmers who cultivate, and has a pretty good price prospects, because the world needs rubber mounted after China opened up new markets for Indonesian rubber.
Rubber plant propagation can be either generative or vegetative. However, a more profitable way of propagation is vegetatively by grafting the plants. Grafting should be carried out at the beginning or end of the rainy season with the following steps:- Make a window on the lower stem with a length of 5 cm and width1/2 - 3/4 cm.- Make a shield on entres with the smaller size of the window and the eyeleaves taken from the armpit.- Open a window on the lower stem and slide the shield between the skinwindow and the cambium- Close the window skin then wrapped with raffia or plastic tapethickness of 0.04 mm.- 2 weeks after the attachment, open and check the shield requires tampon.- Cut the rootstock at a height of 10 cm above the patch withoblique cutting direction.
Clones are recommended as a rootstock seedling is:GTI, LCB 1320 and PR 228.
Land / cultivated gardens as possible before.Do the water to adjust the location of plants in the row.Cuts a single root and lateral root spread with pasta Rootone Fdose of 125 mg combined with 0.5 ml of water to a stump.Packaging grafting removed so as not to interfere with growth and seedready to be planted.MAINTENANCE
Do weeding to avoid competition for plant nutrients in the making.
Stitching made to replace the dead plants up to 2-year-old plants during the rainy season.False shoots must be removed during the first 2 months with a rotation of 2 weeksonce, while the other shoots removed until the plant reaches a height1.80 m.
After a 2-3 year old plants, with a height of 3.5 m and doesbranched, should be held by pengeratan stem stimulation,leaf wrapping and beheadings
Perform intensive fertilization in plants both in gardensnursery, orchard and garden production grafting, by usingurea, TSP, and KCl. Fertilizer doses adjusted to the circumstances / typesground.
Important pests that commonly attack rubber are:Pseudococcus citriPengendaliannnya by using insecticide type Metamidofos, dissolved in water with a concentration of 0.05 -0.1%.Ticks Lak (Laeciper greeni) Can be eradicated with insecticides Albolinium (Konsentrasi2%) plus 0.025% Surfactan citrowett.
Diseases encountered in rubber are: dew diseaseflour, leaf diseases, fungal diseases upas, root fungus diseasewhite-and autumn dawn disease: Prevention by planting clones thataccording to the environment and do the management, proper plantand regularly:
Wiretaps conducted after the first 5-6 years-old plant. High apertureThe first tapping tapping openings 130 cm and 280 cm above the grafting affinity.Things to consider in the intercepts include:- Opening of the field tapping the top left to right starting from the bottom, formingangle of 300.- Thick slices of tapping is recommended 1.5 to 2 mm.- The depth of 1 to 1.5 mm slices tapping.- Tapping good time is at 5:00 to 7:30 in the morning.Technological innovation as a plant food crops on the sidelines of immature rubber plants (TBM) can be applied. Cropping food crops adapted to the climate or rainfall condition, namely rice - corn - soybeans or peanuts - uci cowpea or peanut. Crops were planted within 1 m of row rubber, while the rubber plant is planted with a distance of 6 mx 3 m.The benefits of this innovation are: for smallholders, the application of this pattern between the plants will increase the intensity of maintenance of the garden, plants grown on land between gawangan throughout the year, so it can also serve as planting ground cover to control erosion and weed growth, provide the income of farmers in the TBM , and Improving the soil structure.To optimize the operating revenues of rubber plantations, have been found several clones that excels in producing latex and wood.
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